Having problems while starting Applications Manager in Debian machines.

Having problems while starting Applications Manager in Debian machines.

Solution: For Applications Manager to run in Debian machines, Ensure if the following configurations are done.

1. Check whether the libdb3.so file is located in /lib/ directory. For more information, refer here.

2. Uncomment the following line in the <Applications Manager Home>/working/apache/conf/backup/httpd.conf file. 
    ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_runtime_status

3. Check whether the /tmp directory in the Debian system has permissions for all the users. This directory should have permissions for all the users. This can be checked by creating a new dummy file.

4. Change the following property in AMServer.properties file located in <Applications Manager Home>/conf directory.
    Default value is commented and it looks like this.

     #am.pingtest.command=/bin/ping -c 1 -w 1
    Modify(uncomment) it as given below:

     am.pingtest.command=/bin/ping -c 1 -i 1

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