Google Maps API Issue stating "Oops! Something went wrong"

Google Maps API Issue stating "Oops! Something went wrong"

If OpManager 12100 is installed after 22nd July, 

Issue - While clicking on Google Maps, We'll get the below error: 

On Jun 22nd, 2016 onward the Google has restricted the access to "Google Map API" only by valid API key, hence the issue. 

Note : 
      The issue will occur only if the installation done on or after June 22nd, 2016,  
      The access restriction is applicable for domain specific only. Which is 25000 loads per day.
      Please check the below google document for more information. 

How to solve this issue?
We can solve this issue by providing valid API key during the Google MAP API access.

    1. How to get the API Key:
Please refer the below document to generate API Key.
      2. Where to place the API key in Opmanager.
1. Go to the OpManager Instillation folder.
2. Open map.html from <OpManager_home>apiclient luidicv2 directory.
3. Append the API key in the Google map URL as a parameter like (&key=<Your_API_Key>), In the script tag's src attribute.
            If your API kay is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The script tag will be.
            <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

4. Save the map.html file. 
5. Wait for 5 mins to API Key reflect in Opmanager.

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