Getting "Unable to invoke Oracle HTTP Server Details" message for Request throughput and server response time.

Getting "Unable to invoke Oracle HTTP Server Details" message for Request throughput and server response time.


Check if the OHS(Oracle HTTP Server) server is running. If not, start the OHS using the following steps :

1.To start all OHS components in an Oracle instance, using opmnctl, use :
- $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OHS

2.To start a specific OHS component, using opmnctl, use :
- $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=<component_name>

3.To get detailed information about the start process, include the verbose option with the command as follows :
- $ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/opmnctl verbose startproc ias-component=<ohs_name>

After starting the OHS, check whether data collection is happening, from the host where Applications Manager is installed, by launching the following URL in the browser :


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