Verify if you can see the below trace in logs:
[11:23:12:374]|[13-10-2021]|[com.adventnet.servicedesk.asset.util.AssetUtil]|[SEVERE]|[83]: Exception while updating Workstation with id : 7106|
com.adventnet.persistence.DataAccessException: Exception occured while executing SQL to delete rows
Caused by: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "CIType_5409_FK". The conflict occurred in database "servicedesk", table "dbo.CIType_5409", column 'CIID'.
If yes, follow the below mentioned:
1. Go to Reports > New Query Reports and execute the below query:
select * from citype where tablename='CIType_5409'
2. Then go to Admin > Configuration Item Types and check the details of the CI type which was displayed upon executing the above query.
3. Now create a new CI type with the same properties like this one, that is, it should be a replica of this CI type (Only the name of the newly created CI type should be different).
4. Now try performing the delete operation.