First Step to do if no data is available for a KVM Host Monitor

First Step to do if no data is available for a KVM Host Monitor

In KVM all the data has been collected via CLI Commands. So if any of data is not retrieved properly in the UI, we can check it by executing CLI Commands.

The below table contails the List of CLI Commands used for each metrics present under the KVM Host Monitor:

CLI Command
$ virsh nodecpustats --percent
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ virsh nodecpustats --percent
usage:            4.5%
user:             3.5%
system:           1.0%
idle:            95.5%
iowait:           0.0%
CPU Utilization

Value of usage

Value of user

Value of system

Value of Idle
I/O Wait

Value of iowait

$virsh nodememstats
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ virsh nodememstats
total  :            131350208 KiB
free   :             73998456 KiB
buffers:                 2276 KiB
cached :             37400492 KiB
Total Physical Memory

Value of total
Used Physical Memory

Free Physical Memory

Value of free
Memory Utilization

Buffer Memory

Value of buffers
Cache Memory

Value of cached

Virtual Machine:
$ virsh list --all
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$virsh list --all
 Id    Name                           State
 1     APM-C764-5                     running
 2     APM-U18-3                      running

The name of the VM.

The current status of the VM.

Virtual Networks:
$virsh net-list
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ sudo virsh net-list
 Name                 State      Autostart     Persistent
 default              active     yes           yes

Value of Name

Value of State

Value of Autostart

Network Interfaces:
$ sudo virsh iface-list --all

$ip -s link show
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ sudo virsh iface-list --all
 Name                 State      MAC Address
 br0                  active     b4:96:91:28:5f:c8
 lo                   active     00:00:00:00:00:00
 p4p2                 inactive   b4:96:91:28:5f:c9

[root@sysadmin-Latitude-E7450:~# ip -s link show
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast
    864160606  6378193  0       0       0       0
    TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns
    864160606  6378193  0       0       0       0

Value of Name

Value of State
MAC Address

Value of MAC Address
Packets Received

Packets Transmitted

Bytes Received

Bytes Transmitted

Storage Pools:
$ sudo virsh pool-list --all

$ sudo virsh pool-info <PoolName>
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ sudo virsh pool-list --all
 Name                 State      Autostart
 default              active     yes
 Downloads            active     yes

[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ sudo virsh pool-info default
Name:           default
UUID:           dc98ad2b-84cc-48c3-8e7d-f1b9fc6d417e
State:          running
Persistent:     yes
Autostart:      yes
Capacity:       4.31 TiB
Allocation:     56.14 GiB
Available:      4.25 TiB

Value of Name

Value of UUID

Value of State

Value of Capacity

Value of Allocation

Value of Available

Value of Autostart

Storage Volume:
$ sudo virsh vol-list --pool <Pool Name> --details
[test@APM-KVM-C7-1 ~]$ sudo virsh vol-list --pool default --details
 Name              Path                               Type    Capacity  Allocation
 APM-C764-5.qcow2  /home/KVMSTORAGE/APM-C764-5.qcow2  file  300.00 GiB   38.35 GiB
 APM-U18-3.qcow2   /home/KVMSTORAGE/APM-U18-3.qcow2   file  300.00 GiB   13.52 GiB
Pool Name


Value of Name

Value of Path

Value of Type

Value of Capacity

Value of Allocation

Capacity - Allocation


Host Name
$ virsh hostname

Host OS
cat /etc/os-release

Libvirt Version
$ virsh version

Hypervisor Version
$ virsh version

CPU Model
$ virsh nodeinfo

CPU Frequency
$ virsh nodeinfo

$ virsh nodeinfo

CPU Sockets
$ virsh nodeinfo

Cores Per Socket
$ virsh nodeinfo

Threads Per Core
$ virsh nodeinfo

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