Find the missing VMs and Hosts - VMWare

Find the missing VMs and Hosts - VMWare

After the vcenter discovery if the VMs and Hosts are missing, query the below table and check

select * from vwentitymomapping where entity_type = 'VirtualMachine';

select * from vwentitymomapping where entity_type = 'HostSystem';

When the MOID is -4, check whether their DNS resolves, if not update it from vsphere client > host property

When the MOID is -5, that's marked as "deleted by user" so opmanager won't be mapping it.

We have run this update query manually and restart opmanager service.

update vwentitymomapping set moid = -4 where moid = -5;

Now automatic discovery will initiate during every restart.  

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