Filters getting duplicated when reports are saved and reopened

Filters getting duplicated when reports are saved and reopened

This issue is seen in Analytics Plus build 3800. 

Issue: When a filter is added/edited to a report and saved, the report shows up fine. But, when we close and reopen the report, the filter gets duplicated and causes issues in loading the right data.

Before Saving the report filter:

After Saving the report filter:

The cause of the problem with the filters getting duplicated on reports has been identified as an issue in the build 3800 and the same can be fixed now by replacing an XML file on the Analytics Plus installation.

Steps to fix the issue:
1. Download the attached SQLQueries.xml file and replace it under <Analytics Plus Home>\conf\ZohoAnalytics directory
2. Restart the Analytics Plus service
3. Once restarted, open the affected reports and make the filter section modifications, to remove the unwanted filters and save the reports.

For further assistance, please reach out to

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