Exporting and importing requests in SCP using xls format

Exporting and importing requests in SCP using xls format

Step 1 : Generate a report as xls file
* Go to Reports module and choose New Custom report, select Requests module and proceed to the report wizard.

* Select the required fields (columns) and run the report. You might choose the Request ID as well, however the requests will be created with their own instance ID in the new instance during import, note that you will have to create additional field called 'Request ID' so that it could be mapped.  The Old request ID is just for your reference, however the same could not be used in any further communication and only the new ID's will be assigned during import.

* Save the report and export it as an xls file.

* You shall use the xls file to import the requests in to the new instance, however the conversations will not be available.  

Step2: Using the xls to import Requests

Refer to this link to see on how to import requests using an xls file in Supportcenter Plus.

Note : Make sure that you create the Request fields like Custom priority, level, status, categories, and others in the new instance before the import. If you have not created them, then those values will be set as Not assigned post the request import in your new instance.

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