Exception while Processing Inline Image with incorrect file name extension

Exception while Processing Inline Image with incorrect file name extension

Reference : #7938623#8561970

Cause :  
      Inline Images could not be processed with incorrect file name, for example "4d54308871ec465c8233d0f470db0308.do?sys_id=4fdfcb17475c1d50c594c133846d436a" . While constructing the filename in our end, the values after the ' ' along with the query string is appended to filename, as extension. 

      Due to Security Configurations, inline images could not be loaded other than {"png","jpg","jpeg","gif","bmp"}.  Also currently we are not restricting filenames with invalid extensions. 

Fix :
     Currently in this fix, while validating filename, if filename has valid extension, then extension is parsed from filename. If the content type has valid extension, then that extension is appended to filename. other inline images are prevented.

JAR Compatibility : 13002

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