EWS - Mail Fetching or Sending Issues

EWS - Mail Fetching or Sending Issues

Upon Configuring the EWS and if you get the below error:

E-mail settings saved successfully. But error occurred while trying to check connection with mail server - Problem connecting to mailbox

or else, if you are unable to send any replies from MSP UI. Please check the Serverout0.txt (available under <Drive>:\ManageEngine\ServiceDeskPlus-MSP\logs) and verify if you see the below error trace:

|[SYSERR]|[INFO]|[108]: microsoft.exchange.webservices.data.core.exception.service.remote.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The response received from the service didn't contain valid XML.|

As per the error, the issue seems to be in the XML response received from the Exchange service. Also, the URL syntax is wrong.

Login to the application and go to  Admin > Mail server settings, check the URL format you have given for the mail server. The URL should be in the format shown below. Post the changes, restart the MSP service once and check if the same helps:

If the above doesn't work, you can also try replacing the IP Address in the URL, which might help in resolving the issue. 

If the issue still persists, please contact the EWS Team with the error traces shared above. If those traces are not enough for them, then go to Admin > Mail server settings > Enable Email debugging option in that page, and save. Recreate the reported issue share the logs folder with them.

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