Error code: 80072035 - Error in setting the password, The server is unwilling to process the request.

Error code: 80072035 - Error in setting the password, The server is unwilling to process the request.

Error : Error in setting the password, The server is unwilling to process the request.



Possible Cause : This error occurs directly from AD and it could be due to any of the following conditions,

  • An attempt to set a value for an attribute that does not exist

  • An attempt to set an incorrect value for an attribute (the value does not adhere to the attribute's syntax).

  • If the password complexity, including factors such as password length, permissible characters, or the maximum number of failed login attempts has not been specified.

  • Any other operation that the Active Directory server will not allow.

Possible Solution :

This issue can be resolved by verifying the following criterias,

  • Verify if the password attributes exist in AD.

  • Check if the password fits the password policy.

  • Check if there are any issues in establishing connection to AD. 

  • Establish the required format for creating random passwords in ADManager Plus.


To set the format for generating random passwords in ADManager Plus,

  1. Navigate to Admin Tab > Custom Settings > Password Policy.

  1. Select the values for all the fields on the screen to match the password policy.


If the issue still persists, contact to resolve this issue.  





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