Error code: 80070775

Error code: 80070775

Reason: The referenced account is currently locked out and cannot be logged on.

To resolve this issue, please follow the steps below to unlock the user account using ADManager Plus:

To unlock specific users:
  1. Login into ADManager Plus as an administrator and navigate to the Management tab > User Management > Bulk User Modification > Unlock Users.
  2. Select the Domain which has the user to be unlocked. If you know the OU in which the users are located, click Add OUs button and select the appropriate OU.
  3. In the Find the users field, select Enter name(s) to search option and enter the user name you want to unlock. 
    Note: To search for multiple users with a single search, enter the users' names separated by a comma. Leave the field blank to see all the users in the selected domain.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select the users to be unlocked and click Apply.

Please refer to the attached GIF for reference: 

To unlock bulk users:
  1. Login into ADManager Plus as an administrator and navigate to the Management tab > User Management > Bulk User Modification > Unlock Users.
  2. Select the Domain which has the user to be unlocked.
  3. In the Find the users field, select CSV import option. 
  4. Click Browse and select the CSV file that contains the list of users to be unlocked.
  5. Click Go.
  6. ADManager Plus will now display the list of users from the CSV file. Select the user accounts you wish to unlock and click Apply.

To unlock using Modify Single User:
  1. Login to ADManager Plus.

  1. Navigate to Management > Modify Single User.

  1. In the Modify Single User page, choose the domain and search the user account.

  1. Click the Modify User button, go to the Account tab, and uncheck the Account is locked out checkbox.

4. Click Update User.

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