Error code 80005008: No such user matched. Verify the LDAP attribute in search query or could be a privilege issue.

Error code 80005008: No such user matched. Verify the LDAP attribute in search query or could be a privilege issue.

Error Message:


Error code 80005008: No such user matched. Verify the LDAP attribute in search query or could be a privilege issue.



Possible Root Cause:

  1. Incorrect LDAP attribute or a non-unique attribute in the search query. An attribute is considered non-unique when a search query returns more than one object while searching for that attribute.

  1. The object may not be available in AD.




  1. Try choosing the correct matching attributes by checking the attribute used in Match criteria for Users in AD. This is obtained by clicking on Update in AD button and expanding Select Attributes box.

  1. Make sure the search criteria has a unique attribute like UserPrincipalName or sAMAccountName or Mail or EmployeeID to uniquely identify the user.

  1. Ensure that the help desk technician has rights/privileges in that particular OU.

  1. You may also refer to the following link for LDAP attribute:

  1. Check the spelling of the CSV header for a valid LDAP attribute.

  1. Check whether the user object is available in AD.

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