Email Command Replacement Issue : Replying with 'EditRequest' creates new request

Email Command Replacement Issue : Replying with 'EditRequest' creates new request

Refernce Ticket : #8115154
Reference Issue : SD-105028

      When the user tries to editRequest using email command by replying to the mail received from technician, A new request is added instead of updating the old request.

Cause : 
      Fields are parsed from the incomingmail(plaintext) entire content. when parsing the fields from latest content to old content, the fields from the latest mail gets replaced by the fields from the previous mails. 

IssueFix :
      While handling the fields, Content is processed from latest to old. Hence the intial fields are the latest one. The replacement of the field is prevented by checking whether the properties/bean has the field already.  If exists, prevents replacement.
Note : There may be a possiblity of updating the manual changes in the portal, with the fields specified in the old email command.
JAR Compatibiltiy : 13010

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