Email id already exists issue
It wont allow you to create a contact, says 'email already exists'.But wont be listed in contact list view,support list view,Acc manager list view
select * from aaacontactinfo where emailid='';
This will give you the contactinfo_id , take this id and find the contact id in the following query
select * from aaausercontactinfo where contactinfo_id=303
This will give you the user id. If you fail with above,
select * from sduser where secondemailid=''
this will give you the contact id of the email exists in the secondary email id.
Now edit any contact and put this user id in the address bar.Here you could edit or delete the hidden contact.
As a single query to find the status of the user , use the following query
select * from aaausercontactinfo auci join aaacontactinfo aci on auci.contactinfo_id=aci.contactinfo_id where aci.emailid='emailaddress'
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