Dynamically add CAB based on Risk field value

Dynamically add CAB based on Risk field value

Based on the Risk field value chosen, a set of CAB approvers have to be added to the Change

There will be different sets of CAB approvers available and when a Change is created with ‘Low/Medium’ risk a set of CAB approvers have to be set, similarly when ‘High’ risk is chosen a different set of CAB approvers have to be applied.

Now with this script, we can apply different sets of CAB approvers to a Change based on the Risk chosen for the Change.

Steps to configure:
1.  Download the attached scripts.  Copy the contents into Change custom functions.

2.  Goto Admin > Change Custom Function > Global Function > New > Paste the contents from GF_4_Configuration.txt and save it with a name.
Update the SDP configurations details in the global function.

3.  Goto Admin > Change Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment  (GF_17_CAB-High_Risk.txt) and save it with a name.  Set the return type to MAP.

4.  Goto Admin > Change Custom Functions > Global function > New > Paste the content from the attachment  (GF_18_CAB-Low_Medium_Risk.txt) and save it with a name. Set the return type to MAP.

5. Go to Admin --> Change Custom Functions. Create a new function. Paste the content from the attachment (CustomFunction_CAB_addition.txt) and save it with a name.

6. Configure a custom trigger to get invoked for all changes being created.  (Trigger invoking criteria can be modified as per your requirement)
Note:  Dynamic approvals can be added only if there is no workflow configured for the change request.

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