Duplicate Request Alert for users when a similar request is in pending status

Duplicate Request Alert for users when a similar request is in pending status

If User A has already logged a request that is still in a pending status, the system should recognize this duplication when User B attempts to log the similar request.

When User A logs a call on the Self Service Portal using the Links Request Template, they must fill in the mandatory UDF fields: Circuit ID (e.g., ABC1234) and IP Address (e.g., After the call is successfully logged, if User B attempts to log a call on the Self Service Portal using the same Links Request Template with the same Circuit ID and IP Address, the system should check the status of User A's request. If User A's request is still in a pending status (open, on hold, in progress, etc.), the system should display a popup to User B stating, "This request has already been raised by another user," preventing the duplication of the request.

Steps to follow:
  1. Extract the attached content and copy it into Admin > Developers Space > Request custom function > New.  
  2. Save the function with a proper name.
  3. Configure this script as a Business Rule to execute each time a request is created, the template matches, and both additional field values are not empty.

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