Steps to fix DocumentIndexing or Search is not working properly or startout.log file is growing too much issue

Steps to fix DocumentIndexing or Search is not working properly or startout.log file is growing too much issue

This KB is applicable only for 8121 Builds

We came across several cases, where the search is not working properly due to the index file corruption or Indexing thread gets locked in 8.1 series builds. This also leads Mail fetching issue.For which we need to follow the below steps.

Steps to follow

1. Shut down the application.
2. Now go to the Supportcenter Plus application folder SupportCenter\index\Contact
3. rename the Contact folder to Contact_old and 
4. rename the D:\SCP-builds\8110\SupportCenter\index\Request\Active\2022 -> old_2022
5. Open a command prompt in administrative mode
6. Navigate into <Supportcenter>/bin directory.
7. Execute indexData.bat contact (for windows).
-> / (for Linux)

 This will reindex the contacts module.

Once it is done and you see a success message, 

9. Execute - indexData.bat request 2022

This will reindex the request 2022 module.

Once it is done and you see a success message, 

Start the application and check the mentioned issue.

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