Disk removal Alert - Alert If Disk is removed
The reported error will be triggered for server monitors when the Alert If Disk is removed option is enabled under the Performance Polling setting. To avoid disk removed alerts, please follow the below steps:
Navigate to AppManager UI --> Settings --> Performance polling --> servers and specify the disk in the Ignore specified disks option. This will stop disk monitoring for the specified disk.
However, if you want to monitor the disk but do not want an alert to be generated when any of the disks are removed, you can disable the Alert if the Disk is removed option present in the same page.

Note: In a few cases, temp drives will be created for each user that logs into a Unix machine and it will be removed once they logout. So you do not have to add an entry for each user. (Eg. /run/user/2001,/run/user/503,/run/user/507,/run/user/702,/run/user/511).
Instead you can just mention "/run/user/" so that all the drives starting with /run/user/ will not be monitored.
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