Discovery of Redis server fails with message "Unable to connect to host: <hostname> port: <port number>".

Discovery of Redis server fails with message "Unable to connect to host: <hostname> port: <port number>".

  • Confirm that the Redis host and port are accessible from the server on which the Applications Manager product is installed. Ensure that there are no network restrictions or firewall rules preventing access to the Redis server. To verify the accessibility of the Redis host and port, open a command prompt on the server where Applications Manager is installed and run the following command: 
    telnet <Redis_hostname> <Redis_port_number>
    Replace <Redis_hostname> with the actual hostname or IP address of the Redis server, and <Redis_port_number> with the port number you are trying to connect to (ex: telnet 6379 ). If the connection is successful, you will see a blank screen; otherwise, it will show an error message indicating that the connection failed.
  • In the Redis server's installation directory, review the port and bind entries in redis.conf file. Check if the Redis TCP port number (usually 6379) given is correct.  Also, verify the value of the bind configuration. If it is set to a specific IP address, make sure it is the correct IP address of the Redis server that is accessible from the Applications Manager server. If it is set to (allowing connections from all available network interfaces), it should allow connections from external hosts. 
  • If the Redis server is running in authenticated mode, enable "Is Authentication required" setting and provide the correct password.

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