Difference between Default Settings, Custom Settings and Copy Default

Difference between Default Settings, Custom Settings and Copy Default

In SDP-MSP, the configurations are done based on the site, under Admin >> Sites >> Related Settings, we have 3 different types of settings, Copy Default Settings, Refer Settings and Custom Settings for the features mentioned under How to Configure column

Under each feature, on the site drop-down, you can find the Default Settings followed by the site names

Refer Settings

Under Refer Settings, if you set the value as Default Settings, then the site will follow the configurations present under Default settings. If you choose a site which is following the Default Settings, the application will direct you to the Default Settings list view, below is the message 

This is because the site does not have its own configurations and it simply follows the default settings, hence it's been redirected. You can also choose a site to follow another site. 

Any update on the Default Settings will is applied to all the sites following the default settings. 

Use case: If you have a number of sites that follows the same configurations and any changes should be applied to all of them, then you can set up the default settings and have the sites follow them. 

Copy Default Settings

Setting this option will copy all the configurations from Default Settings, after which you can add/delete/modify any of its contents based on the site needs. Changes in the Default Settings does not affect this. 

Use case: If most of the sites follow the same configuration and few sites has minor changes, then we can take a copy from default settings and make the changes

Custom Settings

When a site is set to follow Custom Settings, it's a clean slate, each and every configuration has to be added/updates for each site. This site does not depend on default settings or any other sites. 

Use case: Consider an organization with branches across the globe having different operational hours and holidays, and thus with different SLAs. In this case, site specific configurations needs to be configured separately for every site by enabling the radio button corresponding to the options in Custom Settings for the site.

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