DHCP fingerprinting with Client Classes

DHCP fingerprinting with Client Classes


 Client Classes and Sub Classes 

Client classes and Sub Classes are powerful features used to group clients (DHCP clients) and apply specific DHCP options or behaviors to those groups. These classes and subclasses enable more granular control over how DHCP services are delivered to different types of clients on the network.


 Client Classes   

  • A client class in ISC DHCP is a grouping of DHCP clients that share common characteristics. These characteristics are usually defined by matching specific criteria in the DHCP discovery or request messages that the clients send.

  • Classes are used to apply different DHCP configurations to different groups of clients. For example, you might have different classes for different types of devices (like printers, laptops, and phones) or different operating systems.

Example of a Client Class:

class "Printers" {

  match if substring(hardware, 1, 3) = 00:11:22;


subnet netmask {

  pool {

    allow members of "Printers";





  • In this example, a class named "Printers" is defined, which includes any client whose MAC address starts with 00:11:22. Printers are then assigned IP addresses from a specific range.



  • A subclass in ISC DHCP is a more specific grouping within a class. Subclasses are defined based on a subclass-specific value, such as a MAC address or a client identifier.

  • Subclasses allow for even more specific targeting of DHCP options and configurations. They are useful in scenarios where a broad class needs to be divided into finer groups.

Example of Subclasses:

class "MobileDevices" {

  match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 6) = "iPhone" or substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 7) = "Android";



subclass "MobileDevices" "iPhone" {

  match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 6) = "iPhone";



subclass "MobileDevices" "Android" {

  match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 7) = "Android";




  • Description: This configuration first defines a broad class for mobile devices, and then two subclasses for iPhones and Android devices, respectively. Each subclass can then be given different IP ranges, options, or policies.

Applications and Benefits  

  1. Customized Configuration: Allows network administrators to tailor DHCP settings to the specific needs of different devices or user groups.

  1. Network Management: Easier management of network resources and policies by segmenting clients into manageable groups.

  1. Policy Enforcement: Enforces different network policies for security, access control, or bandwidth allocation based on client type.


 Configuring Classes and Sub Classes in DDI 

To create a client class;

  • Go to DHCP-> Network-> Client Class

  • The Create Client Class page appears on the screen.

  • Assign the Client class a unique name.

  • ASSIGN TO: Assign the scope level for the client class, whether its configurations should be applied for the matching client on a specific subnet level or global level. The Global option suggests it could be applied across all subnets, whereas a specific Subnet could be chosen to restrict the class to a particular network segment.

  • CLASS TYPE: The class type field likely refers to the basis of the class definition. Template might be an option here indicating that this class is a template that can be reused or that you are creating this class based on a pre-defined template.

  • MATCH TYPE: This defines the method by which the DHCP server will match clients to this class. Substring indicates that the server will look for a matching string of characters within the client's DHCP messages.

  • OFFSET: In the context of matching by substring, this defines the starting position in the client's DHCP message where the matching should begin.

  • LENGTH: This specifies the length of the substring that the DHCP server should match against the client's DHCP message.

  • MATCH STRING: The actual string of characters the DHCP server will look for in the client's DHCP message to determine if it belongs to this client class.

  • CONDITIONAL STATEMENT: This field allows for more complex matching rules, perhaps using logical or comparison operators to evaluate whether clients meet the criteria for this class.

  • Match Value / Sub Class: This section has a checkbox that is used to indicate whether a match value should be used to further define subclasses within this client class.

  • MATCH VALUE: If subclasses are being defined, this field would be where you specify the value that differentiates each subclass.

  • DHCP OPTIONS: Here, you would specify any DHCP options that should be applied to clients within this class. These could include options like DNS servers, domain name, lease time, etc.

  • CUSTOM OPTIONS: This section is likely for defining additional DHCP options that are not part of the standard set, which could be specific to the organization or the DHCP server software being used.

  • Cilck Save.




Classes and subclasses in DDI add flexibility and precision to DHCP management, enabling complex scenarios and specific requirements to be met efficiently. This is particularly useful in large or diverse network environments.

 DHCP Fingerprinting with Client Classes 

DHCP fingerprinting, a method of device identification through DHCP, leverages client class parameters to provide a means for more granular network management and resource allocation. This process involves the DHCP client sending additional information to the DHCP server, which in turn uses this information to identify the type of client and assign IP addresses or parameters accordingly. This technique is especially useful in environments where different types of devices require distinct network configurations or policies.

How DHCP Fingerprinting Works:  

  1. Client Class Parameters: When a DHCP client requests an IP address, it can provide additional information in the form of vendor class identifiers (VCI) or user class identifiers (UCI). These identifiers are part of the DHCP discovery or request packets.

  1. Server Recognition: The DHCP server is configured to recognize these identifiers and categorize clients into different classes based on the provided information.

Applications of DHCP Fingerprinting:  

  • Differentiated Resource Allocation: You can dedicate one address pool for specific types of devices, like VoIP devices, and a separate pool for data devices. This is useful in networks where different device types have different network requirements.

  • Policy Enforcement: For source routing policies, where voice and data packets are routed differently, DHCP fingerprinting helps in applying these policies right from the point of network entry.

  • Administrative Segmentation: In a large organization, managing devices based on their type (like printers, workstations, mobile devices) becomes easier with DHCP fingerprinting.

Example Scenario:  

Consider a network where VoIP devices and data devices need to be segregated:

class "VoIP-Phones" {

  match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4) = "VoIP";


class "Data-Devices" {

  match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 4) != "VoIP";



subnet netmask {

  pool {

    allow members of "VoIP-Phones";



  pool {

    allow members of "Data-Devices";





  • In this configuration, two classes are defined based on the vendor class identifier. VoIP phones are assigned IP addresses from a specific range, separate from the range used for data devices. The same can be configured using DDI GUI using templates or the above can be given ISC bind format in the Condition text box and simply click Save.


Benefits of DHCP Fingerprinting:  

  • Efficient Network Management: Allows for the dynamic assignment of IP addresses and configurations based on device type, improving network efficiency.

  • Enhanced Security: Helps in implementing security policies tailored to different device types.

  • Quality of Service (QoS): Ensures that devices like VoIP phones that require higher QoS receive the necessary network configurations.

  • Scalability: Makes the network more adaptable to the addition of new types of devices without requiring major configuration changes.


  • Accuracy: The accuracy of DHCP fingerprinting depends on the uniqueness and consistency of the vendor or user class identifiers provided by the devices.

  • Configuration Complexity: Implementing DHCP fingerprinting can add complexity to DHCP server configuration and requires thorough planning and testing.

DHCP fingerprinting is a powerful tool in network administration, enabling the categorization and appropriate management of different types of devices within the network. It enhances the capability to efficiently allocate network resources, enforce policies, and ensure optimal performance for all devices.


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