Device Expert 5990 migration from Mysql to Pgsql

Device Expert 5990 migration from Mysql to Pgsql

Please follow the steps to migrate DeviceExpert data from mysql to postgres.

Note: .bat is for Windows and .sh is for linux installation.

DeviceExpert Backup steps :

  • Please stop DeviceExpert.

  • IMPORTANT: Take a copy of the entire <DeviceExpert> installation directory and save it somewhere.

Postgres Installation :

MySQL installation :

  • Stop the Device Expert service.

  • Open DeviceExpert mysql installation folder and navigate to DeviceExpert_Home/bin directory.

  • Open MigrateFromMySqlToPGSQL.bat/.sh file using wordpad and edit the entry -Xms128m -Xmx2448m to  -Xmx512m to -Xmx1024m

  • Open a command prompt with administrator privilege and navigate to DeviceExpert\bin directory.

  • Execute MigrateFromMySqlToPGSQL.bat/.sh

hostname  - localhost

Provide pgsql Port number:-13306

username -postgres

Password - postgres

database name - deviceexpert 

  • Try to Migrate and let us know how it goes.

  • Once done navigate to DeviceExpert_Home/bin and execute deviceexpert.bat/.sh remove

Once Migration completed Please navigate to the new Postgres installation follow the below steps to start the service:

1. Open command prompt as Administrator and navigate to DeviceExpert_Home/bin and execute stopDB.bat/.sh 13306 to stop the postgres database running and also make sure that there is no Postgres process running in Task Manager.

2.  Once done execute deviceexpert.bat/.sh install from DeviceExpert_Home/bin.

3. Start the ManageEngine Device Expert service from services.msc and check if all the information is migrated.

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