Details of tables storing performance data in OpManager

Details of tables storing performance data in OpManager

Details of tables:

The performance data tables in OpManager 7 and above are quite distributed, enabling better reporting. Here is a quick summary of the tables that you will need to take custom reports

1. ElementsAvailabilityHourly - Every day device availability reports are taken from this table.
2. ElementsAvailabilityDaily- This table is queTried for availability reports for over a week. Has data archived every 24 hours.
3. IfRaw_<date> - This table has data of interface traffic, errors, discards etc
4. IfHourly_<date> - This has values archived every one hour for all the interface data
5. IfDaily_<date>- This has values archived every 24 hours

OpManager archives the above performance tables after the row-count exceeds apprx 250,000 rows. So, to know the date of the table to be queried, query the table METATABLE. This lists all the perforformance tables. The current performance tables (the names of which are mentioned above) will have the value as -1 for ENDTIME field. 
Each element/device is a managed object and has a unique ID, which you can retrieve using MOID field in the ManagedObject table. The value of this MOID is the same as ElementID field in the above tables. So, you can use a join between these two tables to create custom reports.

Besides the above tables, the host resources data such as that of CPU, Memory etc are persisted in the following table:

1. Statsdata<current date>: This stores the current or raw data. That is, the data as and when collected. This table is created every 24 hours. New table is created at 12.00 midnight.

2. Statsdata_hourly: Which has values archived every one hour. Hourly data is stored for a period of 15 days by default and can be set to a maximum of 90 days.

3. Statsdata_daily: Which as values archived every 24 hours. Daily data is stored for a default period of 1 year and can be set to store for a max of 10 years.

For additional information refer to DatabaseSchema.conf located under OpManager/conf folder

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