Debug Jar for Analysing Inline image issues

Debug Jar for Analysing Inline image issues

                        These jars attached in this article is used to debug the issues with sending mail that contains inline images with additional log prints. 

How To ? 
  1. Download the ".fjar" file attached in this article corresponding to your build number.
Build Number
File to Download

      2. Place the downloaded file in <product_installation_location> \ fixes directory. create a directory named "fixes" if it doesn't exist in that location.
      3. Restart the Application service after step 2.
      4. Navigate to Application > Admin > Mail Server Settings > Incoming tab, enable "Email Debug" and save the mail server settings.
      4. Now Try to recreate the issue.
      5. Share the <product_installation_location>\logs directory with our support team, to proceed debugging with the latest log prints.
      6. You can remove the jar and restart the product after this step, if needed.

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