DB restore template

DB restore template


      Ask him to Follow the steps below

Step 1:
  1. Stop OpUtils Service
  2. Take a Manual Backup of entire existing setup(just zip the directory)
  3. Uninstall the OpUtils Service completely from his setup
  4. Clean up the OpUtils Folder if it has any files
   Step 2:
  1.  Download OpUtils from website and install
  2.  Start OpUtils for initial files to be create.
  3.  After Successful Start, Stop the OpUtils Service again
  4.  Download the DB Backup from the below link:
        <DB Backup Link>
  5.  Place it under bin folder
  6.  Execute restoreDB.bat <backup-zip-file-with-full-path>
             For Example: restoreDB.bat Stroom_Postgres_80000_2015_Jul_17_02_30.zip
  7.  After the batch execution is complete.
  8. Start Oputils Service.
  9. Apply the License file , AMS file again
  10. Note : The password has been reset to default(admin/admin). Ask him to change it again
  11. Check and update us the status

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