OpManager DB migration from PgSQL to MSSQL

OpManager DB migration from PGSQL to MSSQL on the same server in Version 12.3

Please follow the below mentioned steps to migrate DB from PGSQL to MSSQL on the same server. These steps are applicable only on builds 12.3.045 and above. If you are in older versions below 12.3.045, please upgrade to 12.3.045 and follow these steps.

1. Stop the OpManager Service.

2. Ensure OpManagerTrayicon, java and Postgres processes are stopped completely in the task manager, if not, end them manually.

3. Rename the existing OpManager folder to OpManager_PGSQL

4. Download the same version from archives.

5. Uninstall the existing OpManager and install the OpManager again in the same version with the MSSQL setup.

6. At the end of the installation wizard, don't click "Finish" button.  Leave it and let it be.

7. Now open cmd prompt as an administrator, go to the PGSQL installation \OpManager_PGSQL\bin\ directory

8. Execute migrateDB.bat mssql E:\OpManager\
conf\database_params.conf (Replace with your Folder Name accordingly and point the database_params.conf file from your new MSSQL setup)

9. Change the Recovery Model to Simple by following the steps below:

Go to MSSQL server-->OpManagerDB properties-->Options-->Recovery Model-->Simple. (You can replace it with full mode later).

10. Copy bcp.exe and bcp.rll  files from your MSSQL server to OpManager home folder and OpManager/bin folder. Also, MSSQL native client should be installed on OpManager server based on the Operating system (64/32 bit) on the server.

11. It takes some time to migrate depending on the data size.

12.  After migration completes, navigate to PGSQL \OpManager_PGSQL\conf\OpManager\ folder and copy the data-dictionary.xml file and replace it into MSSQL  \OpManager\conf\OpManager\ 

13. Copy AdventNetLicense.xml, Petinfo.dat and Product.dat from PGSQL  \OpManager_PGSQL\lib\ and replace into MSSQL  \OpManager\lib\ 

14. Now click the "Finish" button in the installation wizard, this will start OpManager Service by itself.

Check if it is started without any error and able to connect the web client. 

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