Database migration from MySQL to Postgres/MSSQL in SCP 8.1

Database migration from MySQL to Postgres/MSSQL in SCP 8.1

We no longer support the use of MYSQL as database in SupportCenter Plus. Hence, we request our users to migrate to Postgres (which is in-built) or Microsoft SQL.
Please follow the below steps to carry out the database migration:

1. Shutdown the application and take a trimmed backup of your data from the existing installation. Kindly copy the following folders from the current SupportCenter installation directory and save it on a safe location:


2. Once the backup has been completed, please download and install the same exact version of SupportCenter Plus as your Backup.

3. During the installation, you may choose the respective DB choose Postrges/MSSQL according to your choice and configure the DB to continue with the installation.

4. Post installation, restore the data that you've backed up.

5. Start the server and check whether everything is working fine. Then move the following folders as mentioned in the 1st point, from the old installation directory to the new installation SupportCenter directory:


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