Data is not being populated in the monitor, but is visible when the script is executed in the Powershell Window

Data is not being populated in the monitor, but is visible when the script is executed in the Powershell Window

Problem: Data is not being populated in the monitor, but is visible when the script is executed in the Powershell Window.

Solution: The problem could be due to the any of the following:

1) Verify if AppManager service has permission to run the powershell script.
  1. Open Services.msc
  2. Right click and open Properties of the service 'ManageEngine Applications Manager'.
  3. Go to Log On tab and select This account.
  4. Click Browse and select an admin user.
  5. Enter the Password and click on Apply.
  6. Now restart the AppManager service and then try polling the monitor.
2) Verify if Powershell execution failure has occurred in the Event Log. (For eg. antivirus blocking)
  1. Open Event Viewer in the server in which AppManager has been installed.
  2. Go to Windows logs and check the Application and Security folders and identify if any errors have been recorded.
  3. Verify if any of these errors involve powershell.exe and if the antivirus program is displayed as the source.
  4. If yes, try to disable the corresponding setting in the antivirus and then try polling the monitor again.

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