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Steps to Check the Data Collection Issue
Steps to check the data collection issue :- Generate threadDump using any one of the following url http://opmanager:port/ http://opmanager:port/servlet/GenerateThreadDump Analyse the threaddump for any BLOCKED threads If there is ...
Alarms for "Data Not Collected" monitors
1.Please edit the NmsProcessesBE.conf file in OpManager\conf folder and search for the text CLEAN_DATA_INTERVAL 999999 . 2.Paste GENERATE_DATACOLL_EVENT true right after that. For example : CLEAN_DATA_INTERVAL 999999 GENERATE_DATACOLL_EVENT true ...
AD Monitors Shows N/A in OpManager
This problem could due to the following reasons: 1)WMI is not configured properly in OpManager (OpManager uses WMI credential to monitor AD servers). 2)Required Monitors are not associated to the device in OpManager. 3)WMI might not be responding to ...
MSSQL Monitors not working - Shows N/A in OpManager
This problem could due to the following reasons: 1)WMI is not configured properly in OpManager (OpManager uses WMI credential to monitor MSSQL servers). 2)Required Monitors are not associated to the device in OpManager. 3)WMI might not be responding ...
Creating performance monitors