Customize password reset email

Customize password reset email

Steps to customize the email sent for resetting the password of a technician or requester

Follow the below steps to customize the password reset link email content:

1. Admin -> Settings -> General settings -> translations

2. In the search bar enter the text "Please click the following link to reset your password"

3. Click Modify enter the details you need and then save the settings

4. Navigate to the Installation path/lib/resources folder. A new .properties files will be generated. (Please locate the file with the last modified date), Open the property file. you can able to see the variable "" assigned with the test you edited

To change the email subject follow the below steps,

5. Follow step 1 and in the search bar "Password reset link for" and modify them.

6. Save the changes.

7. Restart the product.

8. Now try to reset your password. In forgot password mail changes will be applied.

Sample modified TXT file:


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