Automated Problem Ticket Creation Based on Request Criteria

Automated Problem Ticket Creation Based on Request Criteria

Create a problem automatically when a minimum threshold number of requests created with the same category, subcategory, and Item within the specified time frame is met.

Configuration Steps :
1. Download the attached scripts.  
2. Go to Admin > Developer Space > Global Function > Copy & Paste the attached GF_4 - Configuration.txt and save it with a name.
      >>Update the URL and technician key as per your instance.
      >>For Integration key/Technician key refer this LINK

3. Go to Admin > Developer Space > Request Custom Function > Copy & paste createproblemreq.txt and save it with a name.
      >>Update the global function count according to your instance.
      >>Update the time zone and the number of minimum requests required to create a problem.  In the script attached the time zone is set as "Asia/Calcutta"  and the minimum number of requests is set as 3 ,  Both can be modified to suit your preference.

4. Navigate to Admin > Automation > Custom Trigger > Request 
Configure the below custom trigger to get executed every time a request is created.

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