Consolidating Issue/Alerts into Conversations

Consolidating Issue/Alerts into Conversations

In an organization, when multiple requests are generated for the same issue within a day, it's unnecessary to create separate tickets and manage them individually. Instead, we can consolidate the new tickets by appending them as conversations to the previously opened ticket for the day.

Consider a scenario where an organization encounters a printer issue, prompting an alert mail from the Operations Management (OPM), and a corresponding request has already been logged. When multiple alerts arise, consolidating them into conversations appended to the existing ticket streamlines management and resolution efforts, facilitating a more efficient workflow.

For retrieving a similar request, we can use either search_criteria or search_condition. The only difference is that we can search for exact keywork with search_condition.
Using search_criteria, we can retrieve all requests that contain the search text. 

Steps to configure:
1.  Download the attached scripts.  Copy the contents into Request custom functions.

2.  Goto Admin > Developer Space > Request Custom Function > New > Paste the NegateCreation_addConversation.txt content and save it with a name
Update the URL and the respective user api key

3.  Configure a Business Rule to get invoked for every request being created by a particular requester.

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