Configuring SAML authentication for Okta in Applications Manager

Configuring SAML authentication for Okta in Applications Manager

Follow the steps given below to configure SAML authentication for Okta in Applications Manager:

1. Go to Login to Okta. Click on the Admin tab and navigate to Applications.

2. Click on Create a new app integration and select SAML 2.0 option. Then, click Next.

3. In the App name field, enter Applications Manager and click on Next

4. Open Applications Manager, navigate to Settings -> User Management -> SAML Authentication . Under Service Provider (SP) Details section, copy the values of Entity ID, Assertion Consumer URL, and SSO Logout URL fields.

5. Switch to the Okta window, select the Name ID format as Persistent or Transient  and fill in the details that you obtained from the above step. Upload the Signature Certificate.

6. Single logout is optional in Okta. If required, enable Single Logout and provide the necessary details. 

7. After filling the necessary details, click Next.

8. Under Help Okta understand how you configured this application section, choose I’m a software vendor. I’d like to integrate my app with Okta option and click Finish.

9. Under Applications tab, select Applications and navigate to Sign on  -> View SAML setup instructions. Copy the values of Identity Provider Single Sign-on URL, Identity Provider Single Logout URL, Identity provider Issuer, and X.509 Certificate and paste these details in Applications Manager under Configure Identity Provider (IdP) Details by manually selecting Configure IdP information.

10. Once you've filled these details in Applications Manager, switch to Okta and navigate go to the Applications tab. Click on Assign and select Assign to People.

11. Assign Applications Manager to the selected Users and click Save and Go back.

Once the settings have been configured on both sides, SAML authentication via Okta will be enabled in Applications Manager. 
You will now be able to login to Applications Manager using your Okta account from the login page.

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