Configuring Applications Manager Failover setup across multiple regions/networks in AWS

Configuring Applications Manager Failover setup across multiple regions/networks in AWS

To configure APM Failover setup in a single region using Amazon Application Load Balancer, refer to this Knowledge Base.

To configure APM Failover between multiple networks, consider the following scenarios:
  1. Establish communication between networks (Cloud and On-Premises).
  2. Load balancer with a single endpoint for unified access of the Failover setup.
    1. Example: Configure a single endpoint in APM Insight agents for failover setup to eliminate the need for manual changes to the APM host every time a failover occurs.

Connecting Networks:
  1. Ensure that networks can communicate with one another. The following scenarios are applicable only when you have resources on more than one network.
  2. Use the following AWS services to facilitate communication in various scenarios:
    1. Connect VPCs in the Same Region: VPC Peering
    2. Connect VPCs in Different Regions: VPC Peering (Inter-Region)
    3. Connect VPC to On-Premises Network: Based on your requirements you can choose the appropriate service from the below given options to establish connection.
      1. AWS Site-to-Site VPN
        1. Create an IPsec VPN connection between your remote networks and Amazon VPC over the internet.
      2. Transit Gateway
        1. Interconnect your virtual private clouds (VPCs) and on-premises networks.
      3. AWS Direct Connect
        1. Establish a dedicated connection from an on-premises network to one or more VPCs.
Load Balancing:
  1. To configure single endpoint for failover setup in different regions/networks, we need to have a unified load balancer endpoint that directs traffic to all the active VMs.
  2. To achieve this, we need the below setups: 
    1. AWS Global Accelerator
      1. Connect multiple resources (EC2/ Load balancers) to a single endpoint
    2. AWS Elastic Load Balancers
      1. Use ALB or NLB based on requirements.
        1. ALB - Regional service
        2. NLB - Inter-regional service
      2. Cross region load balancing with peering (Sample reference from internet)
    3. On-Premises Load Balancer
  3. After configuring the setup, use the endpoint from the Global Accelerator/ELB to access the Applications Manager (Failover setup).
Example: Use the endpoint from the Global Accelerator/ELB to configure the APM Insight agent to point the Failover setup of Applications Manager.
Note: This documentation provides high-level recommendations and scenarios to assist you in meeting your specific setup requirements, particularly when utilizing AWS services for Failover setup.

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