Note : Applicable only for Linux Distribution Servers
In Linux machines, due to customer environment configuration, we have been facing several issues when migrating the Application that involves upgrading PostgreSQL to higher version. Particularly, we are encountering these issues when using root user for upgrade operation. We also encounter similar issues during startup too, due to insufficient permissions.
When the startup/upgrade is invoked as Root user, we create a new user named "postgres" in the customer environment in "other users" group. In all the below cases, the ownership of all the files will be under Root and Other users like "postgres" doesn't have read & execute permissions. Since we perform all the database operations with "postgres" user, we are facing "Permission Denied" Issue.

We should maintain a single user either root user or a non-root user should be used for all operations in Servicedeskplus. We should not switch between both users for different operations which may give raise to permission and file ownership issues. For example, if you start the application with a non-root user say x, the we should not use root user or "sudo ./UpdateManager.sh" which will switch to root user and cause unexpected results.

When you encounter such issues, we can follow the below steps to provide sufficient permissions.

Step 1 : Set umask value equal or lesser than 022.
Umask value controls the permission of directories or file that will be created in the future. In our case, folders and files created during upgrade will inherit this permission. Hence, it should allow other users to read and execute.
Command to check the umask value
Command to set the umask value

Step 2 : Ensure All the parent directories provide read & execute permission for other users
Please navigate to all parent directories of product installation location and check whether it has sufficient permissions and you should provide the executable permission for other users with the command "chmod -R 755 <folder_name>" till the root directory starting from installation location. The last three digits of permission value should be rwx or r-x. it should not be like r-- or ---.
you can find the permission of a files in a directory using the below command
which shows the output like

drwxr-xr-x 1 <hostname> <hostname> <date & time> <folder name>
For Example, if your installation location path is /usr/share/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk, you should execute the following command.
- cd /usr/share/ManageEngine/ServiceDesk
- chmod -R 755 *
- cd ..
- chmod -R 755 ServiceDesk
- cd ..
- chmod 755 ManageEngine
- cd ..
- chmod 755 share
- cd ..
- chmod 755 usr

Step 3 : Ensure "./initpgsql" script under <product_installation_folder>/bin directory can be executed with the user who does all the operations like startup and upgrade etc, smoothly without any issues.
If you see any failures in the command output returned, Please report it to our Support with the Screenshot of output.
After all of these steps, You can proceed with the upgrade. If you face futher issues with same permission denied trace, please share the logs and output of <initpgsql.sh> script file.