Configure "/server-status" page for IBM HTTP server

Configure "/server-status" page for IBM HTTP server

In order to monitor an IBM HTTP server in Applications Manager, the '/server-status' page must be configured on the target IBM HTTP server that needs to be monitored. This can be accomplished by following these steps:

Step 1 - Enable the "" module in the Target IBM HTTP server

Navigate to <IBM_HOME>/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf file and uncomment the following line:
  1. LoadModule status_module modules/

Step 2 - Add/Modify the access handler for "/server-status" page

Add the following lines to the configuration file, and if it is already present, modify it according to the context given below:
  1. <Location /server-status>
       SetHandler server-status
       Require all granted
Note that making the above changes will open the "/server-status" handler without any restriction. To restrict the access to Applications manager alone, make the following changes to the configuration file:
<Location /server-status>
   SetHandler server-status
   Require host <hostname_of_apm_installed_machine>
   Require ip <ip_of_apm_installed_machine>

Step 3 - Enable Extended Status

Enabling ExtendedStatus is mandatory for monitoring metrics like Request per second, bytes per second, bytes per request etc. If the ExtendedStatus is not enabled, then follow the steps below to enable the extended status.
  1. Locate the line starting with ExtendedStatus in the configuration file.
  2. Uncomment the line and set the status "On".

Step 4 - Restart the server

Restart the target IBM HTTP server after performing the above mentioned steps and check if the below URL is accessible from Applications Manager installed machine.

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