Import Requester from CSV (Comma Separated Value) Files
You can also add requesters by importing from CSV files. To import requesters from CSV file
Step 1: Locate the CSV file
Click Import from CSV link in the Requester List page. The Import Wizard opens in a pop-up window.
Click the Browse button in the wizard.
Select the CSV file in the file chooser window and click Open.
Click Next.
Step 2: Customize Mapping
The CSV column names are populated in the select boxes beside each label. Map the ServiceDesk Plus - MSP requester fields with the field names from the CSV file.
Click Next.
Step 3: Import
Click Import Now button. The values from the CSV file will be imported to the requester details. Once the import is complete, the data on how many records were added, how many overwritten, and how many failed to import.
If at any point you wish to stop importing from the CSV file, click the Exit button.