Collecting Environmental Variables Relating to Python in Linux/Windows/MacOSX

Collecting Environmental Variables Relating to Python in Linux/Windows/MacOSX

When setting up a python script in the customer's end, a major challenge is relating to the following:
  1. Is Python installed or not?
  2. If installed, are the required modules installed or not?
Answering the above will help us in overcoming the doubt of whether the issue is script related or python related.
Also, the attached script itself will install the required modules if PIP is present in the customer's end.

In short, the .sh and .bat files must be run sudo or administrator in Windows:
      sudo ./
            or pyenvdetails.bat (as admin from windows)

It will run python related commands to search modules, install them and also collect a list of all environmental variables from the environment and dump it into one folder:

      - and similarly in Windows.

Linux script will auto compress and provide a .zip file,
      whereas Window's doesn't support command line compression without third-party apps. Therefore the end user must compress on WinOS.

Once the files are shared, the set.txt (win) and env.txt (linux) will list all the environmental variables,
      and the output of python calls will tell us if python is installed.

If a text output is empty, it means that the respective command didn't fetch any info from the environment.

Please attempt on your end to test the same and revert back to me for any clarifications or criticism.

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