How to close associated incident requests of change request automatically

How to close associated incident requests of change request automatically

This post describes the use of a python script to close change that are in a specific stage using Custom Schedules.

Use Case:

There may be a scenario where number of Change Requests that have got closed and the associated incident is still in open status.

Execution steps:

1. Go to Reports--> New Query Report and run the below query and save this report.

SELECT chdt.CHANGEID "changeid", wo.WORKORDERID "workorderid" FROM ChangeDetails chdt
LEFT JOIN Change_StatusDefinition statusDef ON chdt.WFSTATUSID=statusDef.WFSTATUSID
INNER JOIN IncidentToChangeMapping icm ON chdt.CHANGEID=icm.CHANGEID
LEFT JOIN StatusDefinition std ON wos.STATUSID=std.STATUSID where std.ispending='1' and statusDef.STATUSDISPLAYNAME = 'completed'

This will give you the ID of requests associated to change request which is completed. Please update the query based on your requirements.

2. Downloaded the attached Zip file and move the files to ManageEngine/ ServiceDesk/ integration/custom_scripts folder
3. Edit configuration.json file and update the application URL and the Technician Key
4. Configure the schedule under Admin--> Custom Schedule

I've attached a screenshot showing a sample implementation below.

A short guide on setting up python is available here
Refer to the link below in order to setup the schedule,

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