Close all linked requests when a parent request is closed - Deluge

Close all linked requests when a parent request is closed - Deluge

All the linked requests need to be closed when the parent request is closed.

In an Organisation, the same issue might be reported by different end-users.  Since all these requests are raised for the same issue, we can link them to one parent request.
When the parent request is Resolved/Closed, all tickets linked to this parent ticket should also be Resolved/Closed automatically.  

Steps to configure:
1.  Download the attached scripts.  Copy the contents into Request custom functions.
2.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Global Function > New > Paste the global function contents and save it with a name.
(Update the SDP configurations details in the global function)

3.  Goto Admin > Request Custom Function > Custom Function > New > Paste the closed_linked_request.txt content and save it with a name
4.  Configure the created custom function in a trigger to get executed every time a request is closed.

Note:  From Global Function >> Copy the global_function_(count).  Update the copied count in the custom functions.

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