Changing the RequestID to start from a particular number

Changing the RequestID to start from a particular number

To change the RequestID to an number of you choice follow steps below.

1. Connect to SupportCenterPluss MySql database 
C:\\SupportCenter\\mysql\\bin>mysql.exe -u root -P 33356 supportcenter
2. Insert a dummy request with requestid and requesterid
mysql> insert into workorder (WORKORDERID,REQUESTERID,DEPARTMENTID) values (4999,2,1);
where request ID is 4999,  Requesterid is 2 and Department ID is 1
3.Shutdown SupportCenterPlus and restart it.
4.The next new request that you will create will have the requestid 5000.

For MSSQL database


For Postgres database:

postgres# insert into workorder (WORKORDERID,REQUESTERID,CREATEDTIME,DUEBYTIME,DEPARTMENTID) values (4999,2,0,0,1); 

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