3. When you run the command You would receive an exception PKIX, and then it would ask to enter a value, enter '1', it will generate a file named 'jssecacerts' under ..\ManageEngine\Servicedesk.
4. Move the 'jssecacerts' to the location ..\ManageEngine\Servicedesk\jre\lib\security folder and then restart the ServiceDesk Plus.
5. Now, save the Incoming mail server settings and start fetching.
For Linux:
1. Download the attached 'lincertgeneration' zip file and extract in ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk directory.
Afterextractionyou should find the below files.,
gencert.sh under ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk
Cert.jar should be under ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk/lib directory.
2. Connect to the console and goto ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk and execute the command line with the below syntax.
3. When you run the command You would receive an exception PKIX, and then it would ask to enter a value, enter '1', it will generate a file named 'jssecacerts' under ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk.
4. Move the 'jssecacerts' to the location ../ManageEngine/Servicedesk/jre/lib/security folder and then restart the ServiceDesk Plus.
5. Now, save the Incoming mail server settings and start fetching.
To establish a secure connection between ServiceDesk Plus and email servers configured with a self-signed certificate, follow these steps: 1. Download the attached file. 2. Extract the files to the ServiceDesk Plus directory. 3. The files will now be ...
Scenario 1 : Mail fetching issue due to Invalid or No PKIX certificate . Log traces for Mail Fetching issues Exception when connecting to store.|javax.mail.MessagingException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: ...
Steps to apply certificate of your Exchange Server in SDP 1. Download the file from the link given below and extract it to the Service Desk Plus Home directory Linux - ...
Cause: If the SSL Certificate in mail server is a self signed certificate then it is not imported in the ServiceDeskPlus-MSP java environment while using the POPS/IMAPS protocol. Error Trace in logs: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: ...
Oauth in ServiceDesk Plus / AssetExplorer for Mail SDP supports Oauth configuration for Office365 and GSuite mailboxes since 11106 build. Office365 mailboxes can be configured with Oauth authentication using EWS (since 11106) and IMAP / SMTP (since ...