Bulk Closure of Overdue Changes
Requirement: Bulk close changes with different workflows and roles, filtered based on modifiable criteria as needed.
Steps to configure:
- Login to SDP Application > Navigate to reports
- Create a query report, listing the "ChangeID", "ChangeManager", "ChangeOwner".
- Sample Query: SELECT chdt.CHANGEID AS "ChangeID", chdt.changemanagerid as "ChangeManager", chdt.technicianid as "ChangeOwner" FROM ChangeDetails chdt LEFT JOIN Change_StatusDefinition statusDef ON chdt.WFSTATUSID = statusDef.WFSTATUSID LEFT JOIN ChangeTemplate tempDef ON chdt.TEMPLATEID = tempDef.TEMPLATEID LEFT JOIN Change_StageDefinition stage on stage.wfstageid = chdt.wfstageid WHERE tempDef.NAME = 'Standard Change' AND statusDef.STATUSDISPLAYNAME != 'Completed' or stage.displayname != 'Close' AND chdt.DELETEDTIME IS NULL AND chdt.CREATEDTIME < <from_lastmonth>
- This query can be modified to suit your needs. Current query would list all changes in the "Standard Change" template that are not "Completed" or "Closed," not deleted, and created before the last month.
- Save this report with a name, and in my case i have saved it as "ChangesToBeClosed"
- Go to Admin > Developer Space > Custom Schedule Function > New > Copy paste the contents of CloseChange.txt and save it with a name.
- Update the hosted url and Technician key as per your instance.
- For Integration key/Technician key refer this KB link: https://pitstop.manageengine.com/portal/en/kb/articles/creating-integration-key
- Create an integration key with SDChangeManager role.
- Update the reportName, stage, status, stageID as per your instance. In my case the report name is "ChangesToBeClosed"
- Configure a custom schedule to invoke this newly created custom function, passing the custom query report as a parameter. If needed, this can also be set up on a periodic basis.
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