Bulk close Purchase Orders - Python

Bulk close Purchase Orders - Python

Requirement:  Delete older Purchase Orders.

UseCase:  Closing Purchase Orders from a external CSV.

Please follow the below steps. 
    1. Extract the attached scripts in a folder.
    2. Update the URL and integration key in the script. 
      1. You can get the integration key under Admin > Integrations > Integration Key > New
      2. Please use an integration key with admin privilege, as there wont be any role related permission issues. 

      3. Update the integration key in the python script.

    3. Since this is a one time activity we can invoke the script from command prompt.
    4. Open command prompt as administrator in the folder location and invoke the script.

      1. Update the CSV file name as per your instance.  In my instance, it is 1671028684384.csv

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