Backward compatibility for older agents

Backward compatibility for older agents

Java Agent (v2.3 and below) : 

  • Open the apminsight.conf file present in the agent installation folder.
  •  Add an extra entry 'license.key'. The value for this would be the license key shown in the help card present in the home page of the APM Insight tab in the AppManager Instance.
  • Change to contain the URL used to access the AppManager instance. 
  • Sample configuration : 
  • Save and close the file.
  • Restart the Java Application being monitored. 
  • The agent should now be compatible with the latest Applications Manager instance.

DotNet Agent (v2.5.4 and below) : 

  1. Backward compatibility is not provided for these agents. The client has to upgrade to the latest agent.
  2. While configuring the new agent, if the client provides the same application name as the existing instance, the monitor will be reused. 

Ruby Agent (v1.1. and below) : 

  1. Open the apminsight.conf file present in the gem installed folder.
  2. Add an extra entry 'license.key'. The value for this would be the license key shown in the help card present in the home page of the APM Insight tab in the AppManager Instance.
  3. Change to contain the URL used to access the AppManager instance. 
  4. Sample configuration : 
  1. Save and close the file.
  2. Restart the Ruby Application being monitored.
  3. The agent should now be compatible with the latest Applications Manager instance.

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