Azure DevOps Integration

Azure DevOps Integration

Feature:  Azure DevOps Integration <-->  ServiceDeskPlus (Plugin Model)

--> Create a new work-item in Azure DevOps when a request is created in SDP
--> Update SDP request status when a Azure DevOps work-item status is updated
--> Updating Comments and closing the ticket from Azure DevOps to  SDP after adding worklogs and resolution:


PFA for the files referred in below document


ServiceDeskPlus  --> Azure DevOps


  1. Create a new work-item in Azure DevOps when a request is created in SDP (using Custom Trigger + Python script)


Create  a Custom Trigger to execute a python script on request creation, to create a work item in Azure DevOps .

(Move file to sdp_home/integration/custom_scripts folder)




  • Now for the script to run, we need to configure and set the access_token

  • To fetch an access_token, first we need to register an App in AD, follow either of the links below.


  • After the registration, we get App ID, Client Secret and required scope as selected which will be used to fetch an authorization code


Now we need to authorize the registered app with the following URL


1. &state={state} &scope={scope}&redirect_uri={callback URL}

Replace the below specified parameters with respective values,

{appID} --> client id

{state} --> Username

 {scope} -->  vso.work_full

{callback URL} - based on your configuration

Please find the example link below,


Example: &state=user1&scope=vso.work_full&redirect_uri=


Access the above constructed endpoint URL in a browser and you would see a similar page as shown in the below image,


Click on accept and we'll be redirected to the call back url with the auth_code in the url



Get the auth code and replace it with key in the azureDevopsSecurityConfig.json file  "auth_code" as well as Client secret Key from the registered app with the key "client_assertion"


2. Now the configuration is done, as the request is created the trigger runs the script and fetches the access_token and refresh_token using the auth_code and invokes the api to AD to create a work item.


3. For this to be done move the devopsProjectConfig.json, priority.json, azureDevopsSecurityConfig.json files to sdp_home/integration/custom_scripts folder and update the file as follows


devopsProjectConfig.json defines the project settings such as project name, username, work item type and redirect url


{"project_name":"FinTech", "user_name":"user10371", "workitem_type":"issue", "redirect_url":"



project name & username can be found in the project page of AD like below:



priority.json defines the priority mapping with SDP and AD





azureDevopsSecurityConfig.json defines the auth_code and client_assertion



4. On the other part we need to create a trigger in Azure DevOps to hit the SDP REST API on status change of the work item

and for that we'll be storing a custom field in work item called 'sdp_request_id' and to add this custom field follow,form%20for%20an%20inherited%20field.&text=This%20article%20applies%20to%20Azure,Server%202019%20and%20later%20versions


5. Move AzureDevOps.jar to sdp_home/integration/lib folder


6. Move AppIntegrations_Handler_Custom.xml to sdp_home/integration/conf folder

7. Once work-item is created we are capturing the success/failure message under Request History




Once the requested is created as Work Item in AD here is how it looks




Note: Restart the SDP server.



 Azure DevOps --> ServiceDeskPlus 


1. Create a new Callback function from admin settings.
2. Check on publish and add the API name.
3. Add the parameters as resource and detailedMessage with type as Map for both.
4. Copy the code from the text file and paste it in coding section of Callback function. Replace the highlighted part of the url(in the screenshot) with Cx's domain url and auth token with Cx's Integration key.

5. Once it's saved, reopen the saved callback function, copy the "Url to execute this custom function", this will be used in DevOps.                                                  
Now Go to your project in  Azure DevOps account.
Go to Project settings>Service hooks

8. Click on new subscriptions button and select Web hooks and click on next.
9. Select trigger as "Work Item Updated". Click on next.

10. Paste the callback function Url, and check the checkbox related to SSL. And click on finish.

Updating Comments and closing the ticket from Azure DevOps to  SDP after adding worklogs and resolution:



Execution steps:


1. Download the attached zip

2. Create a new Callback function from admin settings.

3. Check on publish checkbox and add the API name.

4. Add the parameters as resource and detailedMessage with type as Map for both.

5. Copy the code from the ticket_closure text file and paste it in coding section of Callback function. Replace the domain name (highlighted part in the screenshot) with user's SDP domain name at all the positions in the code and integration key (authtoken) with user's integration key (User can generate this key at admin settings>Integration key).


6. Make sure to check the id in worklog_input_data (highlighted in the screenshot) is the id of the user who wants to create the work lo


7. Once it's saved, reopen the saved callback function, copy the "Url to execute this custom function", this will be used in DevOps.




8. Now Go to your project in  Azure DevOps account.

9. Go to Project settings>Service hooks


10. Click on new subscriptions button and select Web hooks and click on next.

11. Select trigger as "Work item updated" and Area path as working project. Click on next.



12. Paste the callback function Url, and check the checkbox related to SSL. And click on finish.



1. Custom Mandatory fields won't be handled by this code.

2. The ticket will be closed by the user who generated the integration key. It doesn't take who closes the ticket in Azure, but it will be mentioned as a closure comment and resolution as shown

For comments, follow the same procedure, use the code from ticket_comments text file in Callback function and use this callback url in Azure webhooks. And make sure to change the trigger to "Work Item Commented On" as mentioned in step 11.

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