AWS Cloudwatch Metric Alarm Integration

AWS Cloudwatch Metric Alarm Integration

Requirement  :  AWS Cloudwatch Metric Alarm Integration

Steps : 

--> Download the attached file and extract it
--> Copy file AppIntegrations_Handler_Custom.xml to sdp_home\integration\conf  folder ( If the file is already available then please include the below entry alone in the file )
  1.         <integration name="awsCloudWatch">
  2. <handler>com.manageengine.servicedesk.integrations.AWSCloudWatchAlarmHandler</handler>
  3. </integration>
--> Copy the AWS_Configuration.json file to sdp_home\integration\conf folder
--> Change the technician_key value in AWS_Configuration.json  with your SDP Technician Key ( Generate API Key  -->$key )
--> Copy aws_cloudwatch_alarm.jar to sdp_home\integration\lib folder.

Now to Configure AWS metric alarm:

1. Search for SNS (Simple Notification Service) service in the aws search bar

2. Create a new topic (Topic is like a queue to which events are pushed as a message but unlike queues topic can have multiple subscribers and all the subscribes receives the message from the topic )

3. Follow the instructions as in image

4. Create Subscription 

5. We can choose any type of protocol here like AWS Lambda where we can write the customised script/ email/ etc. Since we’re dealing with the endpoint, we use HTTPS protocol
EndPoint ( https://sdp-app/AppIntegrations?serviceName=awsCloudWatch ). Here sdp-app should be hosted ( public mode).

6. As soon as the subscription is created, AWS invokes the subscription URL to confirm the validity of subscription url and get it confirmed.

Now done setting up with topic and it’s subscription

7. Now we shall create the Cloudwatch Alarm with a metric to an instance

8.Create New Alarm.

9.Speficy your metrics and conditions as per your requirement

10. Choose your EC2 Instance




14. Name the Alarm and click next and then click create alarm button




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