Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account option is greyed out while creating a new contract

Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account option is greyed out while creating a new contract

1. Whenever I put in Expiry date the checkbox for Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account becomes greyed out.
--> This will happen if there is another active contract for the same period.

Two rules are applied while creating a contract in our application :

1. You can create multiple contracts for an account only if unique products are associated with the contract for the same period. 

2. In case you select the option -> Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account, you cannot create another contract for the same account / same period.

 Assume You are getting an alert message stating Please select products and also Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account during contract creation.

This happens in the below scenarios 

--> A) This alert will be thrown if you have not selected the products in the contract and trying to save them. In case you don't want to associate any products to the contract or you don't have any products for the accounts and if you want to apply this contract to all requests, then you need to select Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account during contract creation.

B)  Apply Contract to All Requests raised by this account during contract creation option is disabled for the below case.

Assume, if you have a contract for the period Say 01/01/22 to 10/01/22.

Now let's say today is 06/01/22. Now if you terminate the contract and try to create a new one then you can create the contract only with a start date as 06/01/22 to 10/01/22 and you cannot create a contract from 05/01/22 to 10/01/22 -> while doing this, the option will be disabled.

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