The data for Memory and Disk utilization may not be shown due to the problem in executing and obtaining the output of the commands on the server. For different modes of monitoring (WMI/Telnet/SSH/SNMP) we use different methods to collect data. Below are the steps to check the execution of commands based on the respective modes:
WMI mode of monitoring
Execute the memory.vbs file present in <Applications Manager Home>/working/conf/applications/scripts/ directory from command prompt as follows:
For Remote servers,
cscript memory.vbs <hostname> <username> <password>
For Local servers,
cscript memory.vbs <hostname>
where hostname, username, password are the target server's hostname/IP address, username specified for monitoring, and password of that user respectively.
Check whether you are able to get the output for the above commands.
Telnet and SSH mode of monitoring
Execute the below commands in the remote server , that is being monitored and No data available for memory and disk attributes.
- If the output is "Command not installed ", install the command .
- If the output is "Permission denied" , grant sufficient privileges to the user used in APM for logging into remote system.
- If the output is "No such file or directory" , check the command is present in the file path and environment variable includes that file path . If not present install the same
In the Telnet and SSH mode, Applications Manager will
execute the following commands:
Memory Utilization: free –b
Disk Utilization: /bin/df –Pm
Memory Utilization:
- Ensure that you are able to get the
output for the command sudo svmon -G.
- If you're able to get the output,
change the command for Memory Utilization of AIX to sudo svmon -G in the HostResource.xml file under
<Applications Manager Home>/working/conf/application directory and restart Applications
- If not, enable sudo in the server that you're monitoring.
- For further details about sudo, refer here.
Disk Utilization: /usr/bin/df –k
Disk Data: /usr/bin/bdf
Memory Data: top -h -n5
Memory Utilization: export UNIX95;top -d 1 -n 2
Disk Utilization: /bin/df
Check whether you are able to get the output for the above
SNMP mode of monitoring
Execute the script snmpwalk.bat / .sh under <Applications Manager Home>/bin/troubleshooting folder. Check whether you are able to get the output for the command.
Send the output you get, to